Thursday, 6 November 2014

First snow

   The first snow came and went. I am not an early riser so when Lyndsay came in to get me up I wondered what had happened. She told me to get dressed fast and come down to see the snow. I looked out of my bedroom window and was so excited, everything was covered in beautiful, white snow. I grabbed the camera, put on my "Michelin tyre" coat and rushed out of the door. It was gorgeous, I have not seen snow for a long time and intended to enjoy it. The first picture I took was the house which still had the Halloween decorations on it.

   Following me out of the door like my little shadow was Socks. He was not impressed at all. He padded slowly over the snow and was in a big hurry to get back inside. It was still snowing lightly and I was fascinated to see the snow flakes on Sock's shiny, black fur. I can not wait to see his reaction when it really snows hard and is quite deep. 


   I must have been a sight to behold standing in the middle of the road looking in all directions. The views everywhere you could see were so enthralling. Unfortunately this snow did not last. It was very interesting to me to be standing out when it was still snowing, the sun was shining and the snow had begun to melt and drip down from the roof onto the ground. I am waiting for the real snow to arrive but have to admit I am not in too much of a hurry!


  1. Your first Canadian snow!!! It was just a taste of things to come, so I am glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully, it will snow a couple of more times, lightly of course, to help you ease into winter. For next time, we would need pictures of you in your "Michelin tire" coat, dancing in the middle of the street.

    1. "Michelin coat" for sure when it really snows. Hoping to enjoy that experience as well.
